Friday, April 19, 2013

Kratos in modern mythology: From myth to rated M

In Greek mythology, Kratos is the god of strength and power, though his name and character may be more familiar of the video game rendition. Kratos is a character in the game loosely based off Greek mythology, "God of War." Kratos is the main protagonist in the game, and derives around the themes of power, vengeance, and deceit. In the game, Kratos is given super human strength by the god of war Ares, and is submissive to his will. But when Kratos blindly slaughters a random village on Ares whim, he discovers in the after math that his wife and child were among the dead. Enraged by the fact that he was tricked and used, he tasks himself to kill the god of war, with the help from Athena. Though the video game character Kratos is not directly based off the Greek god, there is many indications and similarities between the two.

One striking similarity between the ancient and modern Kratos is strength. In Greek mythology Kratos was a powerful being and a protector of Zeus, the modern depiction of Kratos follows this by making Kratos equally strong. While the Greek god Kratos was an angelic being that was a protector of Zeus, the God of War Kratos sees the gods as decietful and wishes to destroy them, especially Zeus. It is ironic that the angelic Kratos defended Zeus and Olypus against Typhon, while in the video game Kratos leads an attack on Olympus and Zeus along with the Titans. Another possible reference between the two Kratos is chains. In the story "Prometheus bound," he aids Haphaestus in chaining Prometheus to a mountain, in God of War Kratos weapons of choice is the Chains of Olympus, powerful swords on chains.

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